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What does it mean to have GRIT?

GRIT: Having the passion and perseverance  to obtain long-term goals. NOT GIVING UP.

Welcome back!!!

Get Organized! 

Tip 1: Have a clean and organized binder (Click here)


Tip 2: Use your planner. Write down due dates. (Click here)


Tip 3: Set up reminders in google calendar! 


Tip 4: Create checklist of tasks, and check them off once you completed each item.


Tip 5: Take 2 minutes every day to organize papers in your binder and backpack. This will help keep things neat and

           help prevent losing important papers.


Tip 6: Get your backpack ready to go at night instead of in the morning. This will help you avoid a morning rush in

           which it is easy to forget important papers.


Tip 7: Keep some back up school supplies in your locker. This way when you run out of paper or forget your pencil

           you have something to fall back on.

What's Happening this month?

6th Grade

*School Counselor Classroom visits: Welcome to Middle School/Excellence Always Lesson


* Needs Assessment


* Organization: Binder Checklist

* Organization : Binder Walk-Thru


* Learning Style Inventory

7th Grade


*School Counselor Classroom visits: Welcome Back/Hand Up Lesson- Learning Styles


* Needs Assessment


* Learning Style Inventory


* Organization: Binder Checklist

8th Grade
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