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What does it mean to have RESPECT?

Respect: To treat yourself and others with kindness

show respect by:

Tip 1:  Listen

I know it sounds easy, but listening–truly listening–can be one of the hardest skills to master. If you want a person to know you respect him or her, then tune into what that person is saying.  Look them in the eye, put down your cell phone, and offer feedback when necessary.  Everyone appreciates the person who willing listens to them and shows genuine interest in what they have to say.


Tip 2:  Encourage

If you’ve ever had a bad day, then you know the power a little encouragement can have. We’ve all had moments when we need someone to tell us, “don’t worry, things will work out.” It might not seem like much at the time, but that person will remember that you took the time and interest in their feelings and well-being. A smile and uplifting word can truly brighten someone’s day


Tip 3: Congratulate

If someone does a great job, let them know about it. In fact, let everyone know about it. Openly congratulate someone for a job well done. 


Tip 4: Be Helpful

If you find a friend or coworker in a jam, be willing to help them if at possible. Not to say you should take on half their project, but offering some advice or throwing in a bit of your time will mean a lot. If that friend or coworker has helped you in the past, then returning the favor will be a nice way to show both your respect and gratitude.


Tip 5: Say Thank You

I’m sure this one seems like common sense, but many people just forget to say thank you or at least forget how to say it with sincerity. A thank you can be as small as two words or as much as buying someone a gift; nevertheless, if the action is not done with 100% sincerity then it is wasted.  Make sure people know you appreciate them and their actions.  Simply saying it in front of someone else can make a big impact.

Anti-Bullying Month

Needs Assessment
Learning Style Inventory

What's Happening this month?

Anti-Bullying Lesson- Counselors are coming!!

6th Grade
7th Grade


Anti-Bullying Lesson- Counselors are coming!!



Chameleons visit UNC-Chapel Hill First Look experience! 

8th Grade

Anti-Bullying Lesson- Counselors are coming!!

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